A property type is declared by an implementation, but its value is declared by a component. 属性类型由实现声明,但其值由组件声明。
Instead of a subjective evaluation of the defect, the tester can rely directly on the declared value the sponsor placed on that specific use case at the time of requirements specification. 测试人员可以直接依赖发起者在制定需求规范时赋予这个具体用例的值,而不是对缺陷进行主观地评估。
The connection factory requires that the queue manager name parameter be declared but it does not require that this parameter contain a value. 连接工厂需要声明队列管理器名称参数,但不需要此参数包含值。
Total declared value for carriage: must not exceed the "total value for customs" amount. 托运总申报值:不得超过“海关总申报值”。
David: At some point in time, I'm going to have to have declared the variable as a float before I can then hand it to printf as the insertion value for that format strength. 大卫:在一个特定的时间,我将需要,声明float类型这样的变量,那样我就可以把它打印出来,像是格式化优点的插入值。
The cargo being sacrificed which value have been wrongfully declared on shipment at a value which is different from their real value, shall be contributed for at the lower value, but shall contribute upon the higher value. 货物之价值,于托运时为不实之声明,使声明价值与实在价值不同者,其共同海损牺牲之补偿额以金额低者为准,分担价值以金额高者为准。
The percentage is based on the dividend declared divided by the par value, not the share price. 付给优先股参与分红股息这个百分比是股息除以面值(而非股价)。
One more thing, because of the terrible Chinese tariff policy, when you fill the express waybill please describe the earphones as "gift" or "reworked earphones" and give them a lower declared value. 大意是请将物品描述写成礼物或者返修耳塞,并且给一个低的声明价值。
Better not to have any declared vision or mission at all, he suggests, than to pretend to care about customers ( or the environment) while cutting every corner in the quest for shareholder value. 他提出,与其假装在乎顾客(或环境)、却又千方百计地追求股东价值,不如根本就别宣称什么远景或使命。
The default value is on if the option is declared without a value. 如果声明该选项时未提供值,则默认值为“on”。
Methods can actually be declared on both value and pointer types. 事实上,方法可以作为数值和指针类型来声明。
With declared value, you can request additional protection for your shipment up to the maximum allowed in your country. 透过使用申报价值,您可要求为您的货件提供您的国家或地区内所允许的最高额的附加保护。
Underground economy refers to the economic activities, which income is not declared to the government, and which is out of control of government and taxation management, and which output value is not included in GDP. 所谓地下经济是指由于各种原因而没有向当地政府申报收入,从而导致政府无法实施对地下经济施行控制和税收管理,其产值并未纳入国民经济生产总值的那部分经济活动。